South London Weddings

Wandsworth Town Hall Weddings: Capturing Modern Elegance in Wedding Photography

As a wedding photographer based in South London, Wandsworth Town Hall is just a hop, skip and a jump away from me. Wandsworth Town is the perfect register office for most South London-based couples as its conveniently located, has stunning classical architecture and a variety of wedding-friendly pubs and restaurants in the area. It also has nearby St George’s Park for those couples wanting a bit of nature in their wedding photography.

My job as a photographer on the day is to arrive 30 mins before the ceremony to take pics of the groom, family and friends as they turn up. Gives us time (weather-permitting) to make the most of the historic front of the building..

Wandsworth Town Hall Wedding Photography

Wandsworth Town Hall boasts 5 glorious ceremony rooms and here’s some info and pics for each one..

Wedding Photography in The Elizabeth Room

I’ve shot quite a few weddings in The Elizabeth Room over the last couple of years. One of the smaller rooms and a max capacity of only 10 people (including witnesses, photographer etc), The Elizabeth room is none-the-less small cozy and intimate. This is the one with the leather sofas! So all-round comfort for your guests. The fee varies from £58.30 to £181.50 depending on the day of the week and includes a simple, intimate ceremony and exchange of rings. You can even have your civil partnership here too.

Wedding Photography in The Victoria Room

The Victoria Room boasts a 25 person capacity. Here you can have a choice of ceremony, choice of music and a reading. Weddings cost £207.90 for a weekday and £228.80 on a Saturday.

Wedding Photography in The Alexandra Room

The Alexandra Room is a beautifully naturally-lit room so results in some awesome wedding photography. Here you can make personal vows, have a friend or family member do a reading and there is an aisle to walk down after your ceremomy. The prices here varies from £240.90 to £305.80 depending on the day.

Wedding Photography in The Grand Chamber

If your wedding party is on the large side - and Flo and Mike’s this summer was just that - this is the room for you. As the name suggests, the Grand Chamber is just that. A capacity of 100 people (again including photographer, guests, witnesses etc) it is an opulant and very super impressive for your wedding photography. Price here for a wedding is £446.60 for a weekday and £588.50 on a Saturday.

Post-Wedding Photoshoot ideas..

Wandsworth Town Hall has the most gorgeous marble staircase and conveniently located on the way out!

After exciting there is ample time for friends and family to gather for confetti on the steps out the back of Wandsworth Town Hall and lots more natural wedding photography..

Leaving the Town Hall and we can wander to the park or go straight to the pub! Monika and Connor opted for a small wedding celebration at The Brewers Inn literally opposite!