Lambeth Town Hall is based on my doorstep in Brixton, South London. A vibrant and multicultural part of London, Brixton will always have a special place in my heart, having lived here for over four years back in the early noughties. With its history, art and culture with the coolest bars and restaurants with which to cater a small wedding breakfast/reception, Lambeth Town Hall register office is a popular choice for young couples living in Brixton and surrounding areas, wishing to tie the knot.
Being a Brixton wedding photographer who still lives locally it is an absolute joy to come here, which still remains home-from-home to me.
Here are a selection of my favourite wedding images taken in and behind the town hall in Brixton.
Lambeth Town Hall Wedding Photography
Why choose Lambeth Town Hall in Brixton for your wedding? There is a enclosed space behind Lambeth Town Hall which is a great spot for some intimate wedding photography, and doesnt take too long as it is literally outside the building. A few interesting backdrops give couples who are short of time an extra selection of cool wedding photography.